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San Diego -> Los Angeles - 未名空间精华区
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San Diego -> Los Angeles

发信人: zooie (zooie), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: San Diego - Los Angeles, asking for advice
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu May 3 19:36:54 2001), 转信

【 在 jjww (小茉莉) 的大作中提到: 】
: I will visit San Diego this summer for an academic
: conference. I am planning to have a one-week trip from San
: Diego to Los Angeles by car. So anybody could give me some
: advice on it? I am currently living in Houston, not a better
: place to live in summer. A getaway seems to be a must in
: that season.
: Thank you.

It takes only 2 hrs to drive from San Diego to LA :)

It really depends on your interests. The major attractions
in the area are:

LA: disneyland, universal studio, beverly hills
San Deigo: sea world, zoo, navy complex
National parks: Jusha Tree NP, Death Valley, King's valley etc.
Other activies: you can do hot air balloon, glider in places like
palm springs
Beaches: santa monica
Nearby Cities: Las Vegas and you can get to Zion, Bryce, Grand canyon
from vegas.


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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